A Friend of Tembari Children
THE Tembari Children Care (TCC) preschool held its school closing up presentation last Friday, in which 28 children graduated to move up as Grade 1 pupils.
It was an event witnessed by many parents from the settlement community with children at Tembari preschool facility which provides early education to about 60 children.
Of these, 45 are direct beneficiaries of The Center while the rest are beneficiaries of Digicel Foundation’s educational assistance to the settlement community.
In a remark highlighting the graduation, Penny Sagembo, co-founder of TCC, told the parents that they should strive hard to invest in the education of their children.
She stressed that “we are now living in a modern world where education of all children should be the main focus of every family”.
Penny said: “Papua New Guinea is modernizing and the cultural baggage that only the boys in the family should get education should finally be laid to rest.
“All girls in the family should attend school because like boys, they are also the future of PNG.”
Penny said Papua New Guinean women are gradually taking over a number of jobs at the work place, whether at the executive levels or at the ranks of labor.
“Education should be a must for all and Tembari is working hard for its beneficiary children to get the needed basic education despite our expected difficulties during school year 2011 in finding funds to pay for their school fees.”
This school year, there are 42 Tembari schoolchildren in 11 primary schools around Port Moresby whose fees have been paid for by WeCaRe! foundation.
By school year 2011, Tembari expects to have about 50 schoolchildren in the primary, which could cost up to K10,000, an amount TCC could ill-afford to pay.
WeCaRe! gets its grants from Digicel Foundation and this year, it received close to K300,000 to pay for school fees of orphans and abandoned children from all over the National Capital District.
Digicel Foundation aims to help this group of children by providing them opportunities to get an education.
The foundation is the charitable arm of cell phone provider Digicel PNG.
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pictures by searching Alfredo
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