TEMBARI Children’s Care Inc is an active local community-based organization (CBO) based and operating in Oro Province and in the National Capital District (NCD). The organization was formed to promote and improve the living standards of vulnerable children and to educate communities on children’s rights to survival, protection, development and participation. Based on the organization’s strategic focus, it is the initiative of Tembari Children’s Care to establish community learning centers (CLCs) in the rural communities and settlements to facilitate regular education and awareness programs that will foster children’s growth, development and participation especially orphans and abandoned children.
It is also the vision of the Tembari Children’s Care to seek and secure external assistance for funds, materials and skill from donors, governments and individuals to support the program for children’s growth and development.
TCC also recognizes HIV/AIDS epidemic as a threat in the rural areas where people have no access to reliable information. As such, programs and projects would be developed to carry out massive public awareness and education regularly among the people in their own dialects. The awareness would target people of all ages aimed at making them responsible, prevention-conscious and caring.
The organization has about fifteen trained volunteers who have been certified in different fields such as HIV/AIDS, counseling, home-based care, children’s rights, gender equality, child abuse, drugs and alcohol, STIs, and many more.
TCC seeks to work closely with civil society organizations, provincial AIDS councils, National AIDS Council, donor agencies and government agencies in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Papua New Guinea.
TCC will always strive to become a leading community-based organization promoting children’s rights to growth and development and keeping them away from all forms of abuse regardless of their gender and religion. Special consideration is given to those who are infected with, and affected, by HIV/AIDS.
Remember, today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders. Please don’t leave them behind.
1. Organizational background
This profile is purposely developed to inform potential donors, sponsors and other stakeholders about the organization and its strategic focus.
Tembari Children’s Care Inc is a local community-based organization (CBO) originally from Oro Province. TCC is based and operates in Oro Province and NCD.
In short, TCC is a Day Care Centre for orphans, vulnerable and abandoned children.
Tembari, which means drifter in the Oro Province dialect, is registered with the Investment Promotion Authority (IPA) and is legally instituted in accordance with the Association Incorporation Act of Papua New Guinea.
The organization has been formed to established community learning centers (CLCs) in the rural communities and settlements where services, information and awareness are lacking and to encourage men, women and children to collectively and regularly participate in programs such as early childhood education, HIV/AIDS prevention, home-based care, counseling, STIS, drugs-and-alcohol-abuse prevention, gender equality, child abuse awareness and many more in their own local dialects easily understood by all age groups.
The organization is affiliated with Papua New Guinea Allied Civil Society Association (PACSO) and is strictly governed by its constitution.
2. Organizational Description
1.1 Organization Legal Name
Tembari Children’s Care Inc
1.2 Organizational Legal Registration
Tembari Children’s Care Inc is registered with Papua New Guinea Investment Promotion Authority (IPA) and certified on May 13, 2008 and allotted the registration number: 5-3374.
1.3 Organization Status
Tembari Children’s Care Inc is registered and operates as a non-government organization (NGO), or may otherwise be referred to as community-based organization (CBO), or non-profit organization (NPO).
1.4 Office and Contact Details
Tembari Children’s Care Inc
Oro Village, 7 Mile
P. O. Box 67, Gerehu
National Capital District
Mobile phones: 72619552
Mission Statement
TEMBARI CHILDREN’S CARE INC will always strive to promote children’s rights, welfare and to educate communities on all forms of abuse, discrimination and violence amongst all children regardless of race, gender, religion and physical conditions, with special consideration for children who are orphans and vulnerable.
Vision Statement
To become a leading child-focused community-based organization in PNG, serving the interests of children and creating a better environment for their growth and development by 2012 and beyond.
4. Goals/ Objectives
To create communities free of poverty, abuse, stigmatization, discrimination and violence against children, especially orphans and vulnerable children through communities that are contributing towards children’s growth and development.
1. To educate children and their communities on child rights as stipulated in the United Nations on Rights of a Child (CoRC) and to promote child protection issues without stigma and discrimination.
2. To teach, educate and protect children and the community against HIV/AIDS by establishing resource centers to conduct regular programs at community level.
3. To facilitate programs that will foster children’s growth and development such as early childhood development (ECD) pre-schools, counseling and spiritual.
4. To seek and secure external assistance where it is in the form of funding, materials or skill from the government, non-government organizations, donors and individuals. Such funds will be channeled to support child-focused initiatives or community projects for the benefit and advancement of children’s interests and rights.
5. To create partnership and network with child-focused organizations operating in PNG.
6. To facilitate and expose children’s potentials (God-given talents) through forums, exhibitions, competitions, etc.
7. a) To be transparent, accountable and focused, primarily on fulfilling its goals, vision and mission.
b) To enliven the organization’s on-going fundraising initiatives to sustain its programs and operations.
c) To ensure that the association will apply its profits (if any) or other incomes in promoting its objectives.
5. Program focus
Tembari Children’s Care Inc is mainly focused on providing opportunities for children to have access to early childhood development programs and to educate communities on children’s rights for survival, protection, development and participation with special consideration to children who are vulnerable to HIV/AIDS as prioritized in our program focus list.
1) Education and Awareness
The organization will conduct regular awareness and education sessions in the communities and schools in its catchments areas on the following issues affecting children:
• Child rights
• Child abuse, stigmatization, discrimination and violence on children
• HIV and AIDS
• STIs
• Gender equity and violence, and
• Health-related issues
2) Early Childhood development (ECD)
The organization will advocate and provide better access to children’s early childhood development primary focused on the following areas:
• Preparatory schools (Pre-schools)
• Adult literacy centers for older children, mothers and adults
• Counseling and monitoring sessions for children and parents, and
• Spiritual development sessions
3) Organizing forums, expo/exhibitions, cultural events and competitions
The organization will facilitate the following activities to motivate and expose children’s hidden talents for sharing and learning while striving for improvement in their endeavors.
• Essay writing competitions in schools within our catchments areas
• Education forums for sharing and learning
• Observing International Children’s Day with displays, sports and other special entertainment events at the level of the school.
4) Income-generation for families
Securing funding to support individual families to have better access to income-generating activities to earn income for family’s basic needs and services such as school fees, clothing, medical and others in the following proposed income-generating activities:
• Poultry, piggery and fish faming
• Vegetable farming
• Cash crop rehabilitation
• Livestock
• Trade stores
5) Improve water and sanitation
Secure funding to provide access to clean water and improved latrines and practices for children and families. Priority will be given to communities.
6. Organization Management
Tembari Children’s Care Inc (TCC) is headed by three directors of the board who oversee the organization’s operations and management. They have all been passionate founders of TCC, and have these core issues close to their hearts. They are also, like all TCC members, strictly volunteers.

Rishabh Bhandari – Founder and Co-President
Rishabh was born in India, yet has lived in PNG his entire life. He is young and enthusiastic. Rishabh founded TCC in 2003 when he was attending the local middle school, Murray International. Initially focused on raising money for deprived children through fundraisers, he and TCC have now expanded their attention to also providing the actual services.Rishabh is currently schooling at Phillips Academy Andover, a boarding school in America Rishabh enjoys reading philosophy, history, and international relations, as well as going on hikes and collecting butterflies and orchids.

Penny Sagembo – Co-Founder and Co-President
Penny is Co-founder of TCC, along side Rishabh. She has the heart for the orphans and vulnerable children and is truly a mum to so many unfortunate children. She has worked selflessly for the cause of such children fora number of years. Penny is a trainer and has been a community advocate in social health. She commits her time and resources to ensure orphans and vulnerable children are given the care and support they need to grow and develop. Penny is an experienced community worker, especially in project planning and implementation.
Penny also has experience of working with different NGOs in positions like technical Officer for Sexual Health, and such other roles of community services..
Penny is an outstanding community leader and as such, she uses her influence to bring people together to participate and implement impact activities effectively. She co-ordinates the daily life and logistics of TCC with Rishabh when he is in America during the school year.

Hayward Sagembo – Co-Founder and Director
Hayward has been contributing his valuable services selflessly to TCC right from the inception. His involvement with orphans and vulnerable children in the community is the subject closest to his heart. Hayward is committed and strives to ensure that all children; irrespective of their family status, are accorded the respect and dignity they deserve and are allowed participation in issues that affect their lives and well-being.
Hayward involves himself, in addition to TCC, in many community programs including those dealing with HIV/AIDS training and awareness.
Hayward also has wealth of experience of working with NGOs in positions like Technical Officer (VCT Counselor) etc.

Alfredo P Hernandez - A Friend of Tembari Children
Freddie came to Port Moresby in 1993 and has been Executive Sub Editor for the daily newspaper "The National" since then. He has been a journalist since his university days in Manila back in the late 60s. Freddie came in touch with Tembari children at a Christmas function (2009) organised by a corporate donor; and Freddie has been in constant touch with the TCC children and has been impacting their lives positively. He has voluntarily taken up the task to ensure that he connects TCC with as many potential donors as he can. Besides this, Freddie has been tirelessly cooking Saturday lunch for TCC kids since January 2010. Freddie derives satisfaction from seeing satisfied smiles on the kids faces and only calls himself a Friend of Tembari Children, which he truly is.
Field Coordinators and Volunteers
The Tembari Children’s Care Inchas a few field coordinators and a few volunteers. The coordinators and volunteers are well-trained by AngliCare Stop AIDS in Port Moresby and other organization.
All the field coordinators and volunteers are certified with Certificates in various programs such as HIV/AIDS, counseling, home-based care, STIs, gender equality, women and children’s rights, domestic violence, pre-school teaching and adult literacy training. They offer their free services to the communities as part of their contribution to improve the lives of people.
7. Financial Accountability
Tembari Children’s Care Inc is legally registered and has a bank account with Bank South Pacific (BSP).
Account Name: Tembari Children Care Inc
Account Number: 1001481651
Bank: Bank South Pacific
Branch: Waigani
The CBO has very strict, transparent and accountable finance management procedures/processes. All payments and expenses are being screened and approved by the Advisory Board.
The CBO is managed by people with heart to serve the people to improve lives and reduce poverty amongst children and their families. The program is more tailored and focused on helping children to really address poverty through education of children and families on the rights of children.
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