Tembari children watch a children’s program on Saturday. The showing of such program has been part of Tembari’s effort to educate its beneficiary children and expose them to new experience by knowing about children in foreign countries.
A Friend of Tembari Children
SINCE the coming of electricity to the center last May, our children have enjoyed the benefits of DVD educational programs.
One executive at RH Group had donated a set of flat screen TV and a DVD player.
The children’s educational programming DVDs that we play in the afternoon were a donation from generous individuals that included my daughter-in-law Andrea, who is based in Vallejo, California.
She also sent several workbooks which could keep our preschoolers busy everyday even after their morning classes.
Andrea is well-familiar with Tembari children. She and my two grandkids – Liano and Nailani – are readying a box-full of goodies the Tembari kids could use.
Some educational and recreational DVDs were also received from donors through the efforts of Rishabh Bhandari, TCC’s Founder and Co-President, while he was in the USA. Rishabh has also launched a website of the Center which is starting to draw more wider attention.
Rishabh, having recently graduated from Phillips Academy Andover in the USA, returned to PNG and is now devoting his entire time for the cause of TCC. He is taking one year off his studies, so that he can do more for the advancement of TCC’s children, mainly in the educational sphere; and also to attract more wider audience of donors through the website etc. He is now teaching children at the Center and has also launched innovative programs like “83 to 83” to make some sort of parental care or communication available for the TCC children.
Penny, TCC’s Co-Founder and Co-President, said, she is glad to see Rishabh will be spending time at the Center for one year. While Rishabh has always been working with her and Hayward from his school, and his contribution have been essential, it is going to be even more effective when he is going to be here.
After the classes, Rishabh is also co-ordinating DVD viewing to ensure education as well as entertainment for the TCC children.
Says Rishabh, the Founder and Co-President of Tembari : “The kids (preschoolers) are really excited to watch every time the ABC and counting programs … this keep them busy in the afternoon … and they are getting exposed for the first time to things that they haven’t seen in the village …”
Rishabh said he has discouraged the showing of movies everyday and instead programmed the whole afternoon with the showing of educational shows. Kiddy movies are only played on Saturday.
Watching TV is big thing for the Tembari kids, especially tomost of them who are just seeing TV for the first time in their lives.
When I saw them on Saturday during my brief visit to the center while they watched a children’s programming, I just could imagine how lucky they have become these days.
But things would not really be possible without the great concern of our supporters and benefactors who wanted to contribute to the daily upbringing of our beneficiary children.
They wanted to put a stake in the future of these kids.
If you have DVD children’s programming that your own kids had decided to discard, please don’t hesitate to donate it to Tembari.
Watched, one such ABC programming could help strengthen the reading and writing facility of our kids.
It would also expose and educate them to new things taking place outside their world – here at the ATS Oro Settlement.
For feedback, please email the blogger: ahernandez@thenational.com.pg